Monday, October 03, 2011

U.S. Supreme Court OT 2011 begins today

The previous post (Sept. 30) mentioned the importance of the first Monday in October to the American legal system and gave a link to one recording of a discussion about the coming Supreme Court term (which will be known as OT 2011 or the October term of 2011). In an article in The Atlantic magazine last Friday, the journalist and legal analyst Andrew Cohen observed that
"all throughout the universe of law and journalism, women and men of good cheer and business suits are chiming in from behind water glasses and paper name-cards to help explore and explain what the nine justices will be pondering over the next nine months."
Cohen proposes ten links to benefit from all this pondering, some written, some spoken. In addition to the NPR preview mentioned in the Sept. 30 post, his list includes four videos. For the Supreme Court groupies out there.