Monday, February 06, 2006

Comparative law audios/videos Professor Basil Markesinis on Radio 4's "Unreliable Evidence" programme discussing Common Law vs. Civil Law with Sir Konrad Schiemann, Professor John Bell and Hugh Mercer. audio, 30 min. RealPlayer required Professor Herbert L. Bernstein Memorial Lecture, " Civil Justice Systems in Europe and the United States." With Professor Dr. Hein Kötz, Dean of Bucerius Law School in Hamburg, Germany. (September 10, 2002) Click here to see it. video, 55 min. RealPlayer required. The Role of Politics and the Rule of Law: Judicial Independence in the 21st Century, Stanford Law School panel discussion [includes US Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer], recorded October 23, 2004. Click here to see it. video, 1 hr. 28 minutes, RealPlayer required.